I created a free resource library to help you advance your nutrition & fitness, lose weight, decrease stress, maximize your motivation, feel fabulous, & much more!

Meet Dr. Christi
Hi there! ☺️ I’m Dr. Christi Shuppe, and I’m here to lead & inspire you to achieve the HEALTH of your dreams, so that you can live the LIFE of your dreams.
Maybe you want to…
- Lose weight in a healthy way, but you haven’t been able to (or you’ve reached a plateau).
- Start eating healthier or exercising more effectively, but aren’t sure where to start or need more inspiration.
- Reduce stress, anxiety, & depression, and gain peace & joy.
- Get out of pain, reverse chronic health issues, or get off medications.
- Gain motivation & discipline, and actually CRAVE a healthy lifestyle.
- Have access to a community of positive, like-minded, health-conscious people for encouragement, support, & accountability.
- Feel AMAZING & full of energy every day!
- STAY healthy and prevent sickness & disease down the road.
- Live a more fulfilling, fun, & purposeful life!
…If you said YES to any of the above, then this is the place for you, my friend!
No matter where you are in your health journey, my goal is to help you reach your full God-given potential so that you can fulfill YOUR purpose, and have the life & health you desire!

Now, just so we’re on the same page, I want to share with you a few of my core beliefs when it comes to true health:
- I believe God created you with everything you need to be healthy, happy, & whole. Your body has the amazing ability to heal itself – you just need to remove any interferences & give it what it needs.
- I believe that your health is your most valuable asset. If you lose your health, you pretty much lose everything. You can’t accomplish your purpose & enjoy your life if you’re sick, suffering, or depressed.
- I believe that investing time, energy, & money into your health & yourself is ALWAYS an investment (that pays off 100 fold!) and never a cost.
- I believe your health affects all other aspects of your life, and vice versa. Not only physical health, but mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, financial, social, recreational — we need to work towards wellness in all areas if we want a truly healthy & happy life.
- I believe (& God says 😌) that YOU ARE WORTHY & YOU ARE WORTH IT! You deserve a life of health & happiness. So love yourself & take care of yourself like someone who is worth it — because you are!
- I believe you can create the motivation, discipline, & desire to be healthy & happy. You just need a simple, effective plan of action to start seeing results — and I’ll show you how to do it!
My own story of health transformation started when I was 19 years old.
Before that, I had never had any major health issues – I had been active through dancing & volleyball most of my life, I was a stellar student, and was always a seemingly healthy girl. Then when I was 19, my world was rocked by my first panic attack – my heart was pounding, I could hardly breathe, my arms & hands went numb, & I literally felt like I was dying. That was the first of many panic attacks over the next 2 years – and the time between the attacks was filled with almost constant anxiety.
Now, I’m not just talking about minor stress or anxiety that’s completely normal in certain situations; I’m talking about couldn’t-sit-in-class, friends-thought-I-was-crazy, parents-had-to-drive-4-hours-to-take-care-of-me-for-weeks-at-a-time anxiety. It was that bad. Between the ages of 19-21, I lived a life of sickness & hopelessness, I felt like a burden to my family, I couldn’t live a normal life, and I knew I wasn’t living with the health, peace, & joy that God created me for.

Everything changed when I discovered the principles of true health & healing (the very same principles that I teach here)!
I found the cause of my health issues, and was able to heal by addressing my nerve system, nutrition, fitness, detoxing, and working on my mindset & self-development.
Since then, my husband & I have become Doctors of Chiropractic, went through an elite training program, worked in some of the largest wellness clinics in the world, & opened our own health center.
We’ve now spent years studying true health, & we’ve helped thousands of people in our natural health center achieve amazing results with their health & life through the application of these protocols.
But I knew there was more work to be done, more people to reach, & more to give. People NEED an accurate roadmap for true health, joy, & peace, NOW more than ever!
I knew that I would have the opportunity to reach & impact the lives of so many more PEOPLE through this online platform than just in the four walls of our clinic.
People just like YOU!

What’s Possible For You?
In our wellness clinic over the last several years, we’ve been able to witness & help facilitate all sorts of miracles:
- People losing up to 20+ pounds in 30 days, gaining energy, & loving themselves again
- People overcoming chronic stress, anxiety, & depression — & living a life of peace & joy
- People becoming fat-burning machines, achieving their dream body, & being in the best shape of their life
- People finally learning how to eat healthy, in a way that’s sustainable & doesn’t leave them feeling deprived
- People transforming their mindset & overcoming limiting beliefs – giving them the power & motivation to take action & take control of their health
- People coming OFF of medications & completely reversing chronic health issues – including allergies, sleeping problems, asthma, acid reflux, headaches, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, anxiety, depression, immune system problems, reproductive issues, numbness or tingling, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss resistance, neck & back pain, chronic inflammation, concentration problems, and EVEN things like cancer & heart problems.
- People learning & implementing the most cutting-edge protocols for a healthy lifestyle, & never getting sick in the first place!
Do any of those health transformations sound appealing to you?? Those are the types of life-changes & miracles I’ve been blessed to witness every day in our clinic.
And I know I can help you achieve your biggest health goals, too!
You see, these health principles that saved my life & allowed me to overcome anxiety & panic attacks are the same health principles that apply to all of the health issues I mentioned above & more. And that’s because they’re based on how the body was DESIGNED to function & heal.
Not only that, but my family & I live these same principles every day to stay as healthy as possible & prevent sickness down the road. I’m a fan of practicing what I preach! 🙂
So dream big, love! The sky is the limit for you – and you have to believe that. When you have your health, you can live an amazing life!
I’m so excited to be able to inspire & lead you in YOUR health journey, and to share my journey with you along the way!
If you’re enjoying what you’re reading and are excited to get started with my free wellness resources right away, click here to check out one of my detailed guides.

Whether you…
- Are struggling with your health & want to radically transform your life,
- Have started taking steps to a healthier & happier life, but want to take your health to the next level,
- Or you already live a super healthy lifestyle & want to connect with other like-minded, health-conscious people…
…You’re in the right place!
Wherever you’re at, and whatever your health goals are, I’m committed to helping you get to the next level. Through specific cutting-edge protocols and practical resources, you’ll have everything you need to start living the life you want & achieving the health you deserve!
The best place to start is to join my email list community so that you can get weekly tips & strategies to start transforming your health & life. By signing up (it’s free), you’ll also gain access to my Resource Library, which is full of free downloads like worksheets, checklists, nutrition & fitness guides, cheatsheets, health blueprints, & more.
Just click the button below to sign up!

Just a little bit about me:
I was born & raised in Manitowoc, Wisconsin (yes, the town featured in Netflix’s “Making a Murderer” — and no, I don’t know Steven Avery), but am a “transplant” to the South — currently living in & loving Raleigh, North Carolina. ☺️
I’m married to my hunky hubby, Jake (who’s also a Doctor)💜, & he runs our natural health clinic along with our fabulous team. We have 1 special little girl — a Sheltie puppy named Opal Brie – and she is our sweet princess that we just can’t get enough of! We love Jesus, & He is #1 in our lives!
10 Totally Random Fun Facts:
- I am a TOTAL foodie (& was wayyyyy before being a foodie was ever cool 😉) — I’m completely obsessed with all things food & restaurants (especially if it’s healthy, delish, & gourmet)!
- Some of my favorite “vacation meal” treats include mousakka, eggs benedict, cheesy grits, hushpuppies, fried green tomatoes, & fried okra (I think I was born to be a Southern girl!).
- Traveling & exploring the world is my absolute favorite.
- I love anything purple and/or sparkly.
- I’m a total wine-lover, but not a wine-snob. (As long as it’s not too sweet, I’ll most likely drink it & enjoy it).
- I am a die-hard Wisconsin Badgers & Green Bay Packers fan!
- Harry Potter is the freaking best, & I’m a dedicated Hufflepuff to the core!
- Christmas is the most MAGICAL time of the year, and I tend to watch Christmas movies all year round (yes, I’m that girl…don’t judge me..🙃).
- I also downright adore The OC, & have been known to indulge in several hours of binge-watching it every now & then (yes, I’m talking about the epic teen drama that hasn’t been on TV for over a decade now…).
- As you can probably see, I’m also a liiiiitle bit nerdy. 🤓
P.S. I’m super excited for you & can’t wait to hear all about your health transformation! 🤗💜
Have a specific health topic you want to focus on?
Start by diving into a collection below to get powerful, life-changing advice that’s perfectly paired with your current biggest wellness goal or health challenge.
Cutting-edge protocols & methods for losing weight in a healthy, sustainable way
Nutrition tips & principles that promote fat-burning, metabolism, gut health, happy hormones, & overall healing
How to get in the shape of your life in the least amount of time (literally less than an hour per week!)
Practical strategies & inspiration to overcome stress & anxiety, and promote peace, joy, & purpose in your life